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EDU462 Implementing Innovation in Social Studies Education

Supports teachers in the development, implementation, and analysis of innovative practices in social studies education by delving deeply into strategies shown to be particularly promising in research on students’ social studies learning. These practices include, but are not limited to, building safe, productive, democratic classroom communities; modeling complex historical, political, geographic, and economic concepts; eliciting students’ subject-matter thinking for use in discussion; establishing and supporting collaborative student work groups; and assessing students’ interpretation and argumentation efforts. Focuses on the roles of social studies teachers as mediators of policy and practice, who are responsible for making challenging curricular and instructional decisions within the school institutions that may constrain their efforts to do so. (Meets content-pedagogy requirement for professional teaching certification).

Credits: 3
Offered: Spring
Offered Online: No terms identified
Modes: In-Person
Prerequisites: [EDU 432, or by permission of instructor]
Restrictions: Pre-service teachers must take this course concurrently with their student teaching experiences; other candidates are expected to find an instructional context where they can conduct the projects included in the course
EDU 462 Implementing Innovation in Social Studies Education course information is subject to change, please check the latest schedule.


Spring 2025 (1/21/2025 - 5/11/2025)
Open (3/20) 15%
Lechase Room 104
Monday (4:50 PM-7:30 PM)
Amy Stell
Eligibility Rule: Pre-requisite: Successful completion of EDF 432. Students not yet teaching must take this course concurrently with their student teaching experience; other candidates are expected to find an instructional context where they can conduct the projects included in this course.
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