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EDU414 American Educational and Linguistic Practices

Designed to lend support to incoming international students who are making the transition to studying in an American university, this course explores the academic culture, language, and customs of U.S. higher educational institutions. Written and oral communication practices in classroom discourse are covered, enabling students to interact effectively with professors and other students in a university classroom. Discusses university expectations for academic reading and writing, including the appropriate use of sources (avoiding plagiarism) and provides instruction in effective strategies and practices to meet those expectations.

Credits: 3
Offered: Fall, Spring
Offered Online: No terms identified
Modes: In-Person
Prerequisites: None
Restrictions: For international students who use English as an additional language and have not previously studied in the U.S. and English is not their first language
EDU 414 American Educational and Linguistic Practices course information is subject to change, please check the latest schedule.