Term you're registering for (select ONE): *
Gender Choice (select ONE) *
Are you Hispanic or Latino?
Race(s) (check all that apply):
Must be 8 digits. Currently Entered: 0 digits.
Citizenship Status (select ONE) *
Have you attended the University of Rochester before? *
Highest degree you have completed (must have completed at least a Bachelor's degree): *
Have you registered for any class(es) as a non-matriculated student (not yet admitted to a program) at Warner? *
If YES, how many courses have you completed?
NOTE: You are allowed to transfer in no more than 3 retroactive credits into one of Warner's programs if you are planning to apply; students may petition Admissions to take one more class, IF they have an application in process, but it must be done prior to registration.
Do you plan to apply? If so, where?
Have you already submitted an application to Warner? *
If you HAVE APPLIED to Warner, when do you plan to start (PLEASE SELECT TERM & YEAR)?
Phone Type:
Phone Type:
Phone Type:
Primary International Phone Type:
Emergency Contact's Phone Type: *
See https://www.warner.rochester.edu/files/studentservices/forms/tuition_fees.pdf for the Tuition, Fee & Refund Schedule
Anticipated Enrollment *
Who will pay your tuition? (Check ALL that apply.) *
Are you expecting to receive a Warner Tuition Award? (If YES, complete the Award Title below.) *
See https://www.warner.rochester.edu/students/registration/take-a-course for a list of courses
Must be between 1 and 2 digits. Currently Entered: 0 digits.
Course Number Prefix *
Reminder: up to a total of three (3) classes will be accepted as retroactive credit in one of Warner's programs.
Are you auditing (observing only) or taking this class for credit? *
Must be between 1 and 2 digits. Currently Entered: 0 digits.
Class #2 Course Number Prefix
Reminder: up to a total of three (3) classes will be accepted as retroactive credit in one of Warner's programs.
Class #2: Are you auditing (observing only) or taking this class for credit?
Must be between 1 and 2 digits. Currently Entered: 0 digits.
Class #3 Course Number Prefix
Reminder: up to a total of three (3) classes will be accepted as retroactive credit in one of Warner's programs.
Class #3: Are you auditing (observing only) or taking this class for credit?